Career Clarity IGTV

Part 2 of 2

Part 1 of 2


Resume Workshop Video

Why are resumes the most boring documents on the planet? Admit it, you haven’t touched that dusty thing in ages.

But - if you’re unhappy in your current job, the truth is that you’ll never land your dream job without revamping your resume. And diving into your past work experience can give you clarity about what you’ve worked on, what you’ve enjoyed, and what you hope to never do again.

So let’s stop procrastinating and get it done! This video is 23 minutes long. In less than an hour you will be able to make impactful changes to your resume and turn it into an interview magnet that you’re excited to send out!


Career Clarity Workbook


Hate your job and feeling stuck? Download my free Career Clarity Workbook

This workbook will take you through the exercises I do with my clients in the Career Clarity Workshop.