
You’ve worked your butt off to get to where you are in your career. You’ve sacrificed your time, your focus, and your energy. Even the energy you’d rather reserve for other important areas of your life.

Heck, you’ve even put your health and well-being on the back burner because your job uses up so much of what you have to give.

You were sure that once you gave enough of yourself you would reach a point where you felt satisfied and confident about your career path.

But that elusive destination keeps moving further out of reach.

You’ve lost your sense of clarity and determination to continue on with what you’re doing.

You ask yourself: is this still what I want?

Am I on the right track toward the happiness, security, and success I crave?

Or am I climbing to the top of the wrong mountain?

Sometimes, you can tuck these questions away - your job leaves so little time for rumination. But as the pandemic wears on - these questions are getting harder to ignore.

So how can you slow down, reflect, and get clear on what you want?

Career Clarity Class is designed to help you get clear about what’s working and what’s not when it comes to your career.

Together, we will figure out what’s contributing to your feelings of unhappiness, begin to build a vision of what you do want, and create an action plan that you’re excited about.

Then, you can start to take small steps toward a career path that feels aligned with the imprint you want to make on the world. (Without setting fire to everything and starting from scratch!)

I’ve created Career Clarity Class to help you figure out what fuels your motivation, what you care about most, what your talents are, and how you can leverage them.

Career Clarity Class is for you if:

  • You’re not feeling satisfied and fulfilled in your current job or career

  • You want to find a career path that feels more meaningful to you

  • You need help creating a compelling vision for your career

  • You need help sorting through your overwhelming thoughts, worries, questions, and ideas

  • You need clarity on the steps you will need to take from where you are, to where you want to be

  • You desperately need a boost of confidence so that you can articulate what you’re good at

  • You want to invest in yourself and make sure that you don’t end up quitting your job for one that you hate even more

  • You enjoy learning in a small group setting

You will love it because:

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  • This is a LIVE program and you will get to discuss ideas with fellow classmates

  • You will identify what fuels your motivation and what you need in a work environment to keep you engaged

  • We will define a clear vision of what your dream job looks like

  • I will help you figure out how to leverage your unique talents and apply them to a new career path

  • You will receive weekly assignments and we will create an action plan that’s designed around your current work schedule

  • You will have guidance, support and accountability as you take steps and make decisions around your next career move or career pivot

Career Clarity Class is a
one month, group coaching program.

Program details:

  • 3 live video calls (1 hour each)

  • 1 live video call and action plan session (2 hours)

  • Support defining your unique talents, interests, motivations, and values

  • An action plan to work toward a career that’s meaningful to you

  • Assignments and a concrete action plan

  • Weekly availability over email to answer any questions

  • Classes will take place virtually at 6:00pm EST

  • Dates: March 18, March 25, April 1, and April 8

  • Payment plans are available - just send me an email to set this up!



Who Am I?

I’m Emilia Stypulkowska, career coach and founder of Sunny Side Up Coaching. After spending more than a decade driving my career, obtaining dream jobs, and navigating change in various work environments, I founded Sunny Side Up Coaching to help people restore their energy and confidence and connect to their dream jobs at organizations that align with their values.

One month with me, your Career Clarity guru, to find your passion and create a plan for your rewarding and fulfilling career